It doesn’t matter where you’re at in your journey in life, you’ll get a really warm welcome at Light Community because we believe that God is for people. It’s our conviction that Jesus builds bigger and stronger lives. While we’re a diverse people, we share one heart for Jesus.

Community Lunch
Contact us for details
Melody 0466 186 733

Corporate Prayer
Time: 7.30pm- 8.30pm
Date: Every Thursdays
Location: Admin building
Email: elders@lightcommunity.com.au

We Study Together
Daytime Bible Study
Time: 10.30am - 11.30am
Date: Tuesday (school term)
Location: Youth Hall
Contact: Wayne 0490 507 330

Kids' Church
Time: 9.30am - 11am
Date: Sunday (school term)
Location: Church Auditorium
Contact: Beth 0468 826 120
“Let the little children come to me, and don’t hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”
Our Kids’ Church team would love to welcome you and your children. It is a privilege and honor for us to introduce Jesus to the next generation in a way they can relate to. We aim to teach children to love God, love people, and have a heart for the kingdom. For this cause, we long to partner with parents to see their children grow and have a deeper relationship with God. We believe that through fun experiences, intimate worship, and activities that encourage kids to participate, we will present Jesus and the gospel clearly so our kids will shine in the community to bring glory to His name. We welcome creche (2-4-year-olds) and primary school age (5-12) in our Kids’ Church.

Time: 10am - 11.30am
Dates: Tuesday (school term)
Location: Community Hall
Cost: $60 (one child) or $70 (family) per term
Contact: Melody 0466 186 733
Playgroup is an informal session where mums, dads, grandparents, caregivers, children, and babies meet up in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Playgroup is for children aged 0 to 5 years. Light Community Baptist Church is a place for children to develop new skills through informal play as well as having fun.

Time: 7pm - 9pm
Dates: Friday fortnightly during school term
Location: Community Hall
Contact: Tonga 0411 334 094
Being young is fun and adventurous! But it always has its struggle. The pressure of choices in school, relationships with friends and family, about career pathways just to name a few. In a time like this, it's great to know and have a safe place to discuss and just to have fun and laughter. We explore what Jesus means in all of these choices and how having a relationship with Jesus will give us confidence and clarity for us in growing up into adulthood.

Young Adults
Time: 7.30pm - 10pm
Date: Every Friday
Location: Mount Dandenong Road, Kilsyth
Contact: Jason 0451 650 632
Life is hard, going through teenagehood to young adults, making big choices in life, searching for purpose in life and values, friends, and navigating through right and wrongs. It is more assuring, supportive, and empowering to do life with others. We aim to equip and lead youth and young adults in a wider & deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Interested in meeting new friends and getting connected? Join us every Friday for fellowship and Bible study as well as sharing life experiences.

Coffee Time
Time: 10.30am - 11.30am
Date: Friday (12 and 26 July, 9 and 23 August)
Location: Community Hall
Contact: Alf 0418 108 304
All age groups are welcome to join our coffee time on the second and fourth Friday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in the Community Hall for fellowship over some sweets and coffee or tea. We have programs that inspire, entertain, and inform. Gold coin donations.

Ladies Lifegroup
Time: 10.30am - 12pm
Date: Wednesday (3, 17 and 31 July)
Location: Youth Hall
Contact: Betty 03 9723 5077
A faithful and committed group of ladies meet together fortnightly, coming together rolling bandages for sending overseas. Join Betty and her group of ladies to see that nothing we give to God is small.